And She’s Off!

Monkey headed off to Kindergarten last week. The boys and I are still transitioning to her not being here for most of the day. Monkey is the Little Dude’s buddy. She gets him dressed, helps him brush his teeth, reads him books… she basically stepped in as mom when Tiger was born :). So he is taking it the hardest. Every now and then he’ll call out her name or go looking for her and when I remind him that she is at school he cries. Poor kid.

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A couple last squeezes before the big day.

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Little brother escorted her into the school and she found her spot with her class.

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We coped by drowning ourselves in donuts and coffee (chocolate milk for the boys)!

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Then I called an impromptu playdate at our local zoo. I don’t think any of us could have handled sitting at home without Monkey all day.

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These lovely flowers arrived for our girl from the Dude’s parents. They are so sweet and thoughtful! Her jaw dropped when she saw them, she was so surprised!

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Monkey loves school, as anyone who knows her could have guessed. She didn’t talk much after the first day. I think she was tired and a bit overwhelmed, but she has shared more and more each day. She mentioned her first friend yesterday, her name is Honesty. Her teacher is extremely nice and gets super reviews from everyone who has had her before.

So here we go, into the school years!

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